Anthony Davie is well known for his dedication to the American classical repertoire as both a conductor and pianist. He has conducted the UK premieres of operas by Ned Rorem, William Schuman’s Piano Concerto with the pianist John McCabe CBE and works by Dominick Argento, Leonard Bernstein, David Diamond, Vincent Persichetti amongst others. Anthony was music director for the sell-out production of Leonard Bernstein’s one act opera Trouble in Tahiti at the Bridewell Theatre, London in 2000 and during 2001 completed a run of performances of operas by Ned Rorem at the Bridewell which met with great critical acclaim from the national press - “deftly conducted from the piano by Anthony Davie, the evening’s guiding spirit and musical animator” (The Independent); “he was energetically au fait with the music; good to hear it so brightly vivified” (Financial Times). In 2006 he was music director for Happily Ever After - A Celebration of Sondheim at London West End’s Fortune Theatre. Anthony has also worked with Music Projects, the Castellain Ensemble and Orchestra! As a concert pianist, Anthony has built up a wide repertoire of American twentieth century piano music ranging from works by Aaron Copland to Morton Feldman. In 2003, Anthony made his Wigmore Hall debut accompanying the Greek violinist, Efi Christodoulou in a recital of all American violin sonatas giving the UK premieres of sonatas by Leonard Bernstein and Ned Rorem.

Between 2007 and 2010 based in Newcastle upon Tyne, Anthony was an accompanist, vocal coach and piano tutor for Newcastle and Durham Universities. He also gave piano recitals throughout the UK, Italy and Switzerland. During this period he conducted Newcastle’s Young Sinfonia, was pianist with the Royal Northern Sinfonia at The Sage, Gateshead and worked as a piano coach with the National Youth Orchestra.

From 2010, Anthony was Head of Academic Studies and a member of the piano faculty at the London College of Music, Junior College (University of West London) for twelve years.

He has performed at UCL’s Festival of the Arts and gives frequent piano recitals in London.

In 2022 Anthony was appointed Director of Music at St Anselm and St Cecilia Roman Catholic Church, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, Kingsway, Holborn in central London where he is organist and choirmaster. He has recently launched a lunchtime organ recital series there.


Currently working on a book project focusing on the analysis of the symphonies by American composer, William Schuman.

Short Biography:

Anthony studied at the London College of Music and Salzburg Mozarteum. He was awarded the Sybil-Tutton Opera Scholarship for post-graduate study in conducting and repetiteur training. He was conductor of The LONDON 20 chamber orchestra (1992-1998) and conductor of the Crowthorne Symphony Orchestra (1998-2006). He has worked as music director and composer for stage productions at the Fortune, Bridewell and Gate theatres in London and has recorded for BBC television. He has worked with the National Youth Orchestra as piano tutor, conducted the Royal Northern Sinfonia’s youth orchestra - Young Sinfonia and has held piano teaching and accompanist positions at the Universities of Newcastle and Durham and the University of West London (London College of Music, Junior College).

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